Snow Days: Real Motherhood Moments

Self-Portraits of Motherhood
The big snow of 2014 here in SC.  It was too powdery to even make snowballs so we’re just throwing handfuls of snow confetti.  I like it best that way: no bruises to nurse in the morning.

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Pealing shrimp with the littles.  Sedryn liked to snap off the tails and then toss them in the bowl.  Hilarious. And then we had to watch a YouTube video of Shrimp swimming because we were all curious.

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Wearing a hood because the kiddos thought it was funny.  Daddy did not think it was funny when I invited the girls to help trim his hair.  They did a better job than I do 😉

Do you Want to Join?

I had a couple friends suggest I make this series a link up.  My first thought was that it wouldn’t work because I’m using a tripod and big girl camera/timer (and I’ll probably invest in a remote eventually).  But then I thought about creative selfies using a phone and that could totally work too.

Would you like to participate in this project?  If so, what would work best for you:  A link-up here to find each other or a hashtag ( #realmotherhoodmoments) to help us find participants on Instagram?  Would you like a weekly theme?  Maybe a round up of favorites at the end of the each month?  Comment below and share your interest.   I’m fine keeping this a personal project or sharing it with you. 🙂