Changing your Perspective {Free Beginner Photography Class}

Back in our Storytelling with Images series I challenged you to change perspective.  Today I’m going to come back to that briefly with a short definition of each possible shooting perspective.

Eye level


Eye level perspective occurs when your camera is on the eye level of your subjects.


Greenville SC Newborn Twin Photography Greenville SC Newborn Photography

The Above perspective occurs when you are shooting down on your subject.



The Below perspective occurs when you are shooting up at your subjects.



The Framed perspective occurs when something in your image literally makes a frame around your subject.




A Hidden perspective occurs when you place something in the fore ground so close to the lens that it blurs out making the viewer feel like they are peering into a secret world.


Tiny Newborn Twin Features


Close-Up perspective form images with little background details outside of your subject.  This may be a macro shot or a tight portrait.



Brynne and HadleyA Wide perspective contains lots of background detail to assist in telling the story.

Vanishing Point

(Obviously, I don’t use this perspective much… it’s kinda hard to see/nail. But there’s clear examples in Brooke’s Class recommended below.)

Vanishing point perspectives place the subject along a leading line that ends abruptly right into the subject.

Why Just Quick Definitions?

The reason I’m only giving you a quick definition is that there’s the great free e-course by Brook Snow on Photo Perspectives. I really admire her work and this course is simply beautiful!  Sign up and enjoy 🙂