Free Beginner Photography Class: The Finish Line

And we’re at the finish line.
I really appreciate all of you who have participated both through the whole thing or even through parts.  I’m proud of all of your growth.

Today I’ll show you my final project/photo essay and next week I’m super excited to show you Amber’s.  Hopefully one or two of the others will add yours in the mix for the following week.  If  it’s Flickr (and the process of learning it) standing in your way of showing off a final project , feel free to email me your images ( ) and I’ll be happy to both feature your growth and encourage you.

How Beautiful the Feet

This was not the final project I intended.  I had my own thoughts and ideas.  And then I was on an elevator scared out of my wits and totally wanting to bail and listening to Ann whisper to herself over and over “How Beautiful are the Feet that Bring Good News

I stayed in the place of fear because of those words. I learned what I was there for.  And I thought about how powerful feet are that move toward another even in fear.  How that one movement can change a life’s course.

And then I was the weird photographer crawling around in all the Allume conference rooms photographing beautiful feet.  Photographing prayer and words of hope and worship.  And these little shoes that bear the gospel through Sole Hope.

So here is my final project.

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