Everyday Stories

Mama Loves: Mr. Eric

You probably have no idea who this guy is.  I didn’t either until April when my sister brought the first of his 3 books on the New York Bestselling Books list. Pete the Cat.

(this is Bronwyn reading/singing Pete the cat about 2 months ago at naptime)

Since then Mr. Eric has been an obsession. We’ve taken out all the subsequent Pete the Cat books from the library.  We’ve borrowed The Big Silly and sung loudly “I WANT CHOCOLATE PIE!”  My mom even got them some great Learning Groove CDs that come with printable material and lessons.

But nothing compares to seeing Mr. Eric at the local library.  It was like a fast forward to their teenage years.

Aeralind sat quietly soaking in the music and struggling with a little bit of over stimulation.  But she loved it so much she still talks about it.

But let me tell you, Bronwyn is the type of girl to go body surfing in a mosh pit.  No lie.  My tall but tiny sprite literally stole the show.  Bronwyn stood up doing all of Mr. Eric’s hand motions, jumping up and down, dancing, and scream-singing every song she knew.  Every grown up in the crowded room watched Bronwyn with mirth and she scarcely knew that anyone existed but Mr. Eric.  (Lord, help us when she has her first crush/heartbreak!)

I promise you, your little ones will adore Mr. Eric too!

Linking up with Julia today.

Manic Mother

I’m still alive… sorta

I’ve got a lot going on right now.

Lots of ideas brewing.

Half-written heart-full posts.

My third Moleskine filled to the margins with gratitude.

Little girls and boys giggling.

Birthday twins so soon!

Niece here to visit.

Summer days starting to feel the twinge of fall.

Accidents and God-coincidences.

So much transition.

Stealing some time to write here just hasn’t been happening.

Oh, but there’s so much I need to process.  So much I need to share.  I need to carve out writing time, because in writing I chart growth.  I’ll be back soon.  Just let me get through the next week.

A Week of Fun

We’ve had quite the fun week here on our birthday week stay-cation.  I’ll probably write a bit more later, but right now I just wanted to say that we’re missing these sweet girls.  I’m so glad they came to visit!

Cow Appreciation Day

Today at Chick-fil-a’s nationwide you can get a free entree or meal for dressing like a cow (depending on your degree of cow dressing. Is that like salad dressing?).

We corralled the sick babies and plopped them in a grow with me dress creation (I hope it’ll last for 12 years of free chicken.  It’s on year 2 already!) and took them out for breakfast.  They barely ate, but there were some smiles and friendly chatter so it was totally worth it 🙂  Plus I think the apple juice made their day 🙂

Return of the Nebulizer

She’s baaaaaack!  Along with no sleep, a cranky baby, and this time a fever that just can’t be kicked.  We’re hanging in here by grace alone.