Links for the Weekend

Links for the Weekend: Defusing Anger

Defusing Anger

When Your Temper Scares You: Some Suggestions for Defusing

There’s no rage like the exhausted rage of motherhood.

These aren’t the things they don’t talk about in the parenting books, or play groups, or coffee dates. How you will one day lose your ever-loving mind because two boys sat and watched their sister pour an entire bottle of purple Motrin all over the beige carpet and didn’t think to stop her.”

Kill Anger Before it Kills You or Your Marriage

“Therefore, one of the greatest battles of life is the battle to “put away anger,” not just control its expressions. To help you fight this battle, here are nine biblical weapons.”


From Sinful to Sinless Anger

This is steamrolling me and my temper every time.

From Sinful To Sinless Anger from North Hills Community Church on Vimeo.


Links for the Weekend: On Motherhood and Grace

My husband’s work recently added travel so I’ve been doing a lot of solo parenting. Whew! This is hard stuff.  So I thought I’d share some encouraging links here for me to come back to and you to enjoy.

Maybe I’ll do this sort of thing every week because we all need a little encouragement in our everyday beautiful mess.

On Motherhood and Grace

Parenting in Weakness

I think I need to hear this everyday. By far one of my best reads all week long!

Motherhood is the loving vessel through which God seeks to highlight his sufficiency and ability, and grow your sense of his faithfulness because of his pure and sinless life, his provision on the cross, and his substitution of your dead end with his new beginning.


6 Stories Every Mom Should Tell

I love stories… but I often forget to tell them to my children.  The only one the girls know on this list is their birth story.  This will inspire you to tell a story rather than listening to cries of “Are we there yet?” on your summer journeys.

5 Ways to Awaken your Dreams for Motherhood

I’ve been on this God-sized dream journey for over a half year now… but what if I were dreaming bigger dreams for my children?

When they Ask you What You Did Today

For those everyday sort of days when you find the dishes all over the counter, the laundry piled taller than your tallest child, and the toys in all the rooms of the house: this is what you did today.

Embracing Motherhood. Perfection in the Imperfection.

So instead of thinking you are behind or not measuring up or making excuses for your hair being in a ponytail as you quick run to the grocery store for milk and bread – hold your head high. It’s that real part of you. The part under the layers. The real, raw beautiful part that so often gets lost in the busy that isn’t imperfect but is truly perfect.