1 Year with my Boy

 12 months have gone by since my successful (and exhausting) VBAC of our surprise baby boy.  12 sleep-deprived, laughter filled, glorious months with this proud boy who sits tall and laughs hard (and lives hard too).

I love being a boy momma.  I love my girls to bits, but they adore daddy.  And girls are born with an agenda (at least mine were), boys (at least Sedryn) just seem to go with the flow. Plus my girls would never have ever shared part of their birthday cake with me willingly and with joy.

Sedryn Justice, I think you’re an amazing little guy.  Snuggly.  Non-stop.  Easy going.  You think you’re hysterical. Your fine motor skills are through the roof, but I think you won’t walk until after Christmas (though you could prove me wrong).  You love details and romping with anyone within the reach of your social world.

You adore your sisters (even when they’re unnecessarily and sometimes violently overprotective).  You can’t wait to wrestle with daddy. I’m totally your favorite person (I’m sure that will change, but for now I’ll eat it up). You flirt with all women equally.

You’ve purged a ton of sin from my life this year.  I’m a better person because of the surprise gift you are (and the grace of God).  The end of this year… so bittersweet to me.  Here’s to seeking after the joy of your second year.