Falynn: A Story of Grace in Baby Pictures Greer SC

I can only share this one image of sweet Falynn, but when you read the story below, you’ll understand why it’s such an important image.  It’s the story of a miracle.Special needs baby picture miracle Greenville SC

“I wanted you to know that you taking these photos mean more to me than you’ll ever know. I missed out on the first days of life for the only child I’ll ever have. When I think of my baby, I see monitors and wires and IVs. I see blue skin and lifeless limbs. God delivered her from all of that and he did so while I was angry at him for sending her down that path. He healed her and gave her a miraculous story to share with people that need to hear it. And I want people to see the beauty that has come from the struggle. I want them to see her chubby cheeks and drool covered smile. I want people to see how her eyes light up with happiness and her feet kick with delight. And you’re making that possible. I am for certain that God had our paths cross for a reason and I am thankful that he did. I admire your beautiful perspective of the world and the generous heart in which you capture it.”