Sedryn Justice Colton {Greer, SC Newborn Photographer}

Sedryn is my own “little wiggle” as we call the children in my home. You’ve seen a couple peeks of him here and here, but I wanted to showcase his full session.  Or rather sessions…
Frog Pose Color
This image was taken when he was five days old. It was actually the only image I took before my toddler twins came crashing through my backdrop squealing. I wish I’d been able to do a full session on this day… he was the most cooperative!

Sedryn Storyboard

The little detail images of Sedryn’s mouth and eyelashes were taken when he was 3 days old. He was not okay with me moving or posing him at all, but he stayed still!

The middle images were taken at 12 days and either he was just too old or he didn’t like his food source posing him. He was my worst full newborn session to date! He ate 5 times, pooped or peed on my backdrops/props 6 times, and screamed for the first hour. Sedryn finished off this session by peeing on a laptop keyboard… a perfect little arc. I was through! However, I still got a few good images!

I think I took him outside in the apple basket about 7 days old. It was another one shot deal and he was perfectly cooperative.

Thanksgiving Tire Swing Fun

The tire swing composite I took when Sedryn was 1 month old. If you look closely, you can see the little chunker grumbling and about to yell. Fortunately, his sisters are too cute for this to be immediately noticeable. 😉

Why am I telling you about all these sessions in detail?

First, because I want you to see how easy and relaxed he was in the earlier sessions (the two most difficult images: composite pose, apple basket). Newborns are most pliable to the photographers’ touch between 5-11 days so call immediately after birth to schedule your session!

Second, because I want you to capture a glimpse of this little fireball’s personality. Sedryn can be all sleepy and sweet, but when he’s finished with something he lets you know in no uncertain terms! He’s still that way… but now that he can smile… he’s added flirting to his repertoire! Watch out, little ladies, this one is going to be super dangerously cute!

Sedryn boy, I can’t wait to watch you grow and develop.  It’s such a blessing to have you!