You, friend, are made for God-sized Dreams

I’ve been serving on Holley’s God-sized dream team for three months now. But let me tell you, really it’s Holley and all the other beautiful dreamers who have served me. We have this private Facebook group and each day there are hundreds of inspiring posts to read and women speaking really truth into each others’ hearts.  It’s been an incredible journey both taking my small steps to my dream and walking arm and arm with these amazing ladies.

Holley’s book launched this week. You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream: Opening the Door to All God Has for You.  It’s a small part of Holley’s dream which is to encourage the hearts of women.  It’s like all the fullness of our little Facebook group poured out on you too.

I don’t want you to over look this post and think: “I don’t have any God-sized dreams.” Within the introduction Holley defines a God-sized dream as “wanting more of what God has for you.” So welcome to the club, fellow God-sized dreamer. Let me know in the comments what you think God might have for you (just knowing and serving him is a God-sized dream!)  

My dream at the beginning of my God-sized dream journey was to have 12 paid client sessions this year.  It wasn’t a very big dream… but it’s not very small either.  It’s evolved and grown over the past 12 weeks and each little step of obedience toward his call only bring joy-even if the step is hard. I’ve had one paid client and two sessions that I gifted friends (and they’ll be visiting the blog soon!)  There’s been obstacles and I’m sure there will be more, but one thing I’m certain of: I wouldn’t dare to pursue this dream if I didn’t have confidence that it is God who does the work both in and through me. Having a slew of God-sized dreamers encouraging me along the way sure helps, too!

God-Sized dream

My favorite image from my last session of my friend Karen and one of her God-sized dreams: Baby Zan. 🙂

What I’m enjoying most about Holley’s book is how it brings lofty dream ideas down to the level of an over coffee pow wow with your dearest girlfriend.  Holley has this rare gift of seeing the whole picture but breaking it down into manageable steps of simple obedience. I need that perspective.

I’ve been sneaking chapters in during quiet moments around the house on my new-to-me Ipad and I can’t wait to read more.  Would you join me?

Starting on Tuesday next week Holley is doing chapter by chapter writing prompts to help us grow toward our God-sized dream. She’s inviting everyone to come join.  Pray about participation,  pray about your dreams, order the book, and jump right in.  Let me know if you do, I’d love to encourage you in your dreaming any way I can 🙂