When the Thanksgiving is Hard

Last week I wrote:

These blessings (children), they’re not here to make us happy. No, they’re here to grow us into stronger joy.  And joy, it’s wrought through suffering, through growing pains, through labor.

The much celebrated baby of the friend that I wrote about… that sweet baby is already gone to be with Jesus.  Her momma’s arms left empty.  Again.

These blessings, they’re not here to make us happy.  No, they’re here (even momentarily) to grow us into stronger joy.  And joy, it’s wrought through suffering, through growing pains, through labor.

There have been tears this week.  Hugs of a different nature altogether.

Hard Eucharisteo (thanksgiving).

Oh, but how filled with God’s providence.

Our church body studied Philippians 4:4-7 this week.

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.  Let your reasonableness be known to everyone.  The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

We wrestled with it in Shepherding group on Wednesday.  We were filled with it’s truth and promise on Sunday.  And the Lord was at hand through it all.

I could tell you story after story of the encouragement in Jesus Christ that I’ve had throughout this week.  To see Philippians 4:4-7 lived out in a real, raw way.  But these aren’t my stories to tell (except where they overlap mine).

Derek is being laid off in a little over two weeks.  The Lord has already provided a generous severance package, wonderful timing on refinancing our house, and just a sense of peace (at least in my heart) about the whole circumstance.

Watching our friends walk this hard eucharisteo before us is so encouraging.  And knowing that God will redeem this time unemployed to do utterly amazing works in the lives of people around us in the same way that God is using our friends in ours…

Well, friends, that is grace. Humbling and beautiful grace.

Here’s a few more graces (#3278-3300)

  • Karen’s hug
  • Eating strawberries out of the bucket together
  • Sedryn playing hard core with a straw
  • How Aerie insists on calling Tigger “Tiger”
  • How Sedryn flirts with me and then puts his head down shyly
  • Karen patting Sedryn’s bottom
  • Mastitis again.  Slowing my pace. Letting me savor.
  • Gluten free cake experiment coming out okay
  • Homemade yogurt
  • Holding little hads
  • Mother’s Day Vases
  • Fight Club
  • Connie’s humble gratefulness
  • Becky’s genuine apology
  • Silly girls squealing
  • Bronwyn rubbing daddy’s rough cheeks
  • Potty training finally going well
  • Buying my first studio lights
  • Looking forward to 3 newborns
  • A & B singing and reciting Pete the Cat
  • Comforting our sweet friend (and being inspired by them)
  • How the girls adore Mrs. Karen
  • Celebrating Ben’s birthday with him.