Dear New Mom: Your Little One is Here

Dear New Mom.  A blog series to make you laugh, help you feel a little less crazy, and encourage you in the early days of motherhood.


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Dear New Mom,

Your little one is here.

For 9 months you’ve dreamed and prayed and hoped for this moment and now it’s here.

You’ve found yourself in a rush of emotional thoughts that sound something like the following:

“I love this little creature so much. If anyone every tries to hurt her, they will have to deal with my wrath. But I really just want a shower alone. And a couple hours of sleep. Why can’t my husband just nurse this baby? Oh, my she is so adorable. I wonder if I can get myself a glass of water. I’ll just put her down for one second. Oh, but what if she stops breathing while I put her down. Maybe I’ll call my mom in here to hold her? But mom was just taking a nap. Oh, stop this nonsense. That’s why we have a baby monitor. I’ll just put her down. Oh, wait…. what was I going to do again? Look! She just smiled! I just love her so much.”

Welcome to the wild and emotional adventure of motherhood. No, you’re likely not crazy (though we’ll talk a little about postpartum depression), but everything is new, overwhelming, and just a little bit identity shattering.

For the next six weeks, I’ll be blogging you a note of encouragement with stories about my early motherhood days to help you feel just a little bit more sane in these early weeks.

I pray that these posts will be just the thing you need to hear each week.
