Toddler Activities

Toddler Activity of the Week: Crayons

I have toddlers: therefore, I have broken crayons.  A lot of broken crayons.

I set the girls to sorting them into color groups which was hysterical.  They can name all their colors… but sorting them was way too distracting.  Bronwyn was hoarding her two muffin cups with a vengeance and just tossing whatever she could find in there.  Aeralind was sprinkling her favorite blue in every cup she could reach including “Bronwyn’s”.  Hysterical, I tell you!
I popped these in the oven and baked them with dinner.  They came out cute and pretty.

The girls of course don’t want to color with them.  They’re not precise enough.  Ha!  But I’m pretty sure Sedryn will be all over them in a matter of months.

Toddler Activity of the Week: Rock Hopping

Mommy was battling a super awesome fever early this week.  Daddy piled the girls up in the car and took them rock hopping in a creek.  Or something.  I’m not sure what the three of them called it… but they ended up wet, muddy, and very giddy when they returned.

Here’s the photographic evidence from his phone.  I wish I had been there!

Toddler Activity of the Week: Bird Feeder

Last week the girls and I went on a simple walk around the neighborhood (Sedryn came too!).  We stopped and smelled flowers, raced to the stop sign, and even found one very neglected apple tree.  Since it was so neglected, I assumed the house was currently empty and let the girls pick an apple.  Such joy!

They were winding down on apple munching when they discovered a pile of pine cones.  I’ve never seen so much excitement.

“Can we take them home and show daddy?”  And so we did.

A couple days later, the girls are smearing a suet mixture on their pine cones with daddy and and eagerly waiting for the birds to enjoy them too.

Toddler Activity of the Week: Explosion!

A & B love to watch the picture slideshow screen savers and ask questions about their life.  The other day pictures of the snow from 2010 came up.  They asked what they were doing.  I explained (as best as I could to almost 3 year olds) what snow was.

Daddy came home that night and when he asked the girls what they wanted to do after baby went to bed she demanded:

“I want to play in the snow.”

Um…. how were we supposed to give her that?

So I grabbed a bar of Ivory soap and did an awesome science experiment that I’ve seen in a couple of places.  I threw it in the microwave for 2 minutes and blew it up. Because Ivory is the only soap with air pumped into it, the stuff expanded to nearly fill my microwave.

I split up the powdery stuff and let them play on a baking sheet for as long as they wanted.  Bronwyn couldn’t keep her hands out of the stuff!

After about 45 minutes of play, I added a few drops of food coloring to piles of soap and let Bronwyn stir in some water to make bath paint.  45 minutes later, two very soggy girls emerged from their very clean bath tub.

We’re totally doing this again!

Toddler Activity of the Week: Ring Around the Rosie

Bronwyn came up to me the other day and said:


It took me forever to translate.

And we played Ring around the Rosie until I was so dizzy I had to stop.

Then we pulled out their felt dolls and had them play the game until lunchtime.

Funny thing: We haven’t played that game in months.  I’m always so surprised by their ability to remember.