
5 Months

You can reach and hold things!  I can’t express how happy and accomplished you seem when you grab something you wanted.  You love to sit and explore your Dragon in your carseat.  You grab my shirt while nursing.

You rolled right over back to tummy for an audience at my MOPS table.  It seems you need an audience to complete any new skill.  Which is okay since two little girls are often caught fawning over your every move.  And, also, because you can woo just about any woman with your little smiles.

I still am in awe of how sensitive you can be.  Your sisters have begun to yell “God!” every time we read it in The Jesus Storybook Bible.  Each time they yell, your little lip begins to quiver and, if someone doesn’t pull you close quickly, you’ll burst into tears!  You grabbed the girls button lunch pail today and bonked yourself on the head with it to the same lip quiver and tears.  I’m not sure I’ll know what to do with such a sensitive spirit when juxtaposed with my independent girl and my strong-willed girl!

You’re also obsessed with your feet!  You can’t get them into your mouth yet, but you can grab your thigh.  But mostly, you’ll just lay on your back and rub your ankles together for hours.  It’s adorable!

You’re growing each day and learning so much.  I see you longing to play hard with the big kids and as strong as you are, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were sitting or creeping this time next month!

4 Months!

It’s been a rough last week, Sedryn.  You have had a very icky string of terrible nights.

However, it’s easy to forgive you come sunrise: with your cheery grins and new found voice.

You’re talking a lot.  Squealing some.  And always looking for my face.  I totally get the “Mama’s boy” phenomenon now; you can easily wrap me around your finger.

You’ve managed to roll over tummy to back multiple times this month.  You’re finally starting to adore tummy time.  Mainly because I can see that you really enjoy gross motor skills.

Your fine motor skill consists of reaching for and fingering anything soft.  No plastic rings or animals for you.  You much prefer soft crinkly stuff or a whole blanket to stuff into your mouth.

You smile at your sisters now instead of simply cower.  They get so excited and yell “Mama!  Baby ‘mile!!”  But they don’t understand yet how to keep you smiling.

Keep growing, little one, I love you more each month.

Home Life Project 52: Week 5

3 Months

Oh, Sedryn boy!  You have been battling sickness so much this month.  And you’re a typical man: you wanted to be cuddled and coddled the whole time you’re sick.  It’s not working out so well for you because of your crazy sisters.

But one thing is for sure: your love language is physical touch.  You practically purr with delight each evening as I give you a tummy and chubby thigh massage before bed.  It’s hysterical to watch… too bad the video camera distracts you too much for me to record it forever.

You’ve discovered two things this month.  First, that if all the noise/people leave the room and you start screaming, odds are pretty good we’ll come back.  You want us to be there surrounding you.  You are such an extrovert.  Second, you’ve discovered you hands.  You favorite thing to do with them is stuff your whole fist in your mouth to munch on.  Your second favorite is to hold them in front of you nose and watch you fingers move.

Sedryn, there’s also no question that God made you a boy.  Your biggest obsession for the last 3 weeks has been to play with your spit.  The girls never did anything like this! You sit there blowing spit bubbles until your entire shirt is soaking wet.  I may have to pull out the bibs after all!

Thanks for snuggling with me, little cuddle bug, even when I don’t appreciate it as I should.

2 Months

Sedryn boy, you turned on the fussies at about 5 weeks and you haven’t hardly let up since then!  You also rocked about 3 different growth spurts that had mommy waking up every 3 hours instead of once a night.  It has been a hard hard month for mommy.

But Saturday you finally turned on the grins and you haven’t stopped yet.  And the best part: you like to spoil me with smiles more than anyone else!  I think I might actually like you now.  Keep up the flirting… it does wonders for mommy’s morale.

What I’ve most noticed about you this month is that I’m about 100% sure that your love languages are touch and quality time.  You love undivided attention (which is hard to come by in this house) and you love being held and touched (gently… sister touches are almost always unwelcome).  I’m actually starting to enjoy quiet moments with you, too.

Last night, I tucked you in bed alone.  You’re not a fan of going to bed around 7 like your body needs.  You want to stay up and join in the chaos and catch up on quality time.  But last night, I fed you, gave you a tummy massage, talked to you, and then wrapped you up for bed.  Two pacifier insertions after that and you were asleep.  We might be on to something.  And I might secretly adore that quiet happy time with you.