Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Ezra: Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Meet Ezra.

How do you take care of a child with Down Syndrome


This tiny ball of energy looks like total sweetness with those girls and this sly little grin.

facts about down syndrome

But don’t let him fool you, he can totally rough house with big brother Amari. He especially loves to be chased.

will big siblings love a child with down syndrome

Ezra also has a sweet side. He love cuddles while reading a good book with his mama.  And did I mention his curls?!

What is it like to have a child with down syndrome

Ezra has Down Syndrome, but having a genetic condition does not define him   He is person first: an adorable little guy just longing to be loved.

Zack: Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Meet Zack.

Down Syndrome Awareness Month Portraits

Zack is fifteen years old and a rising 9th grader.

He plays the drums in band class.

Zack loves to eat chicken and play with his two dogs Emma and Porscha.

What I need to know about down syndrome

Zack loves more than anything to make new friends and is always making people laugh.

For Zack, life is an adventure and learning.


If you are expecting a child with Down syndrome, Zack’s mama Mary wrote a little note just for you.

Dear mam who just found out your child has Trisomy 21,

First, congratulations! Your baby is an amazing gift!

Your job most of all is to just love your beautiful baby. Always treat him or her just like you would any other child.

I want you to know that you will now know the meaning of unconditional love.

And as time moves forward, mama, you will be the best advocate that your child. You will become your child’s best friend.

Take a deep breath, mama, and just love your your child. I promise everything will fall in place!



Just found out my child has down syndrome

Two Month Old Baby Pictures Simpsonville SC

Two Month Old Baby Pictures Simpsonville SCStephanie’s sweet mama contacted me after my Down Syndrome Awareness Mini Sessions about having images taken of her sweet girl.  With a sweet face like this one, how could I say no?

Sleeping Two Month Old Baby Photographer Simpsonville SC

Her eyelashes (there’s a rumor that I have an obsession with eyelashes.  It may or may not be true…) and those tiny little fingers won my heart immediately.

Swaddled Baby in a Basket Greenville SC

Stephanie has Trisomy 21 which is more commonly known as Down syndrome.  However, a diagnosis does not define this little girl.  She is a person first and a lovely one at that.

2 Month Old Baby Pictures Photographer Greenville SC

Stephanie’s curiosity and sweet smiles are a joy to her family and were grace to me for such a young little peanut.

Timeless Photographer for Baby Greenville SC

Sweet Stephanie, may you grow in grace certain that you were made for a purpose and that you are loved.

Baby in a bonnet photographer Greenville SC

Interested in a session for your sweet baby?  Click here to contact me today!

Sullivan: Special Needs Awareness

Mommy and Me photos Greenville SC

Sullivan is our second child. He was a planned home, water birth. An amazing, beautiful experience.

Timeless Baby Photographer Greenville SC

Due to his floppy tone, doctors ordered genetic testing. He does have a chromosomal abnormality. However, it is not a named syndrome. Only common abnormalities are actually named. In Sullivan’s case, he’s the only known person with his gene duplication. 96 of his genes on his X chromosome are duplicated.

Classic Baby Photographer Greenville SC

Geneticists assume this is the reason for his low tone. His low tone makes it difficult for him to reach everyday physical milestones that other babies do, but he’s not giving up. Everyday, he works on rolling and learning to sit unassisted. Our goal is that he’ll be sitting by his 1st birthday.Greenville SC Baby Photographer

Sullivan’s favorite activity is swinging in the backyard. He loves watching the leaves move in the breeze and watching his older brother, Jonah, swing next to him. He also loves his toes in the koi pond, watching the fish and the waterfall. He really enjoyed being sung to. ‘Old Macdonald had a farm’ is his favorite song. Daddy loves tickling him and giving him kisses. This makes him giggle.

I love Sullivan’s determination. Simple tasks that other people take for granted, may be difficult for him for a while, but he won’t let that stop him. We see improvement every week. His happy smile and chubby rolls, make him irresistible to cuddle:) He still cuddles like a newborn.

Liam: Special Needs Awareness

To know Liam is to love Liam. He is a very easy going kid, and loves everyone. Liam was born with hydrocephalus which means water on the brain. He is both physically and mentally impaired, and non verbal. He laughs really easily. He loves when his doggies get to playing and when we throw the ball back and forth to each other. Anything being thrown up in the air will make him laugh as well. He is definitely not camera shy. As soon as I bring the camera out he turns into a total ham and will put on a show. Everyone who sees Liam tells us how adorable he is, not even knowing he has special needs. I love being Liam’s momma and wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Timeless Child Photographer Greenville SC Special Needs

I would love if people would stop asking me if he can have candy. Liam has never had candy bc he has some swallowing issues and wherever we go people always ask me if he can have it, because he looks like a normal 2 yr old. When I say no, they just give me a look like I’m a mean mom. But the truth is he wouldn’t be able to handle candy and eat it without choking.


I would tell any parent who gets the news that their child will have special needs that it is completely normal to ask WHY ME? and feel a million different emotions. BUT it is so important to always remember this is part of GODS plan and he will guide the way ALWAYS. Being a special needs parent is no easy task and the hardest part for me personally is seeing all the kids the same age excelling and walking and talking and then there is my child who is not yet. It is ok to feel sorry for yourself and it is ok to throw a pity party every once in awhile. We are all human and while we may see more trips to the hospital, and more doctors appointments, and more therapies, our children are still a gift from GOD and they deserve the same kind of love as any other child.
Timeless Child Photographer Greenville SC Special Needs


I have found that my longtime friends are still my friends but they don’t really understand the journey I am and because of that I have connected with other Special Needs moms and it is the best thing to ever happen. I have made so many good friends who I can go to and vent and I know they will totally understand and be able to give me the advice and comfort that I need.
Simpsonville SC Studio Child Photographer

I think you are truly amazing for doing this for our kids!! I hope we can bring awareness to everyone when it comes to special needs children. Parents who have “normal” children need to educate their own kids in accepting kids with special needs. People need to know our kids are not a contagious disease and just because they may look and act different they are still human beings and deserve as much acceptance and respect as the next person!